Discovering Dolphins: A Hidden Oasis in the Florida Keys.
Driving down the Florida Keys can be a bit monotone. You drive for miles seeing nothing but blue ripples of water sway along the long connecting bridges. The modern construction of Miami is long gone as the scenery shifts to quaint motels and old shopping centers. Nevertheless, a random quirky shop with giant motifs or romantic gazebos along turquoise waters beckons curious tourists to scope its picture-friendly display.

This year on our drive down the keys Carlos and I couldn’t miss The Dolphin Research Center. A giant dolphin figure stood tall amongst the houses and palm trees that lined up along the road. It inevitably persuaded us to experience sensational sea life hidden in a sleepy town. So in we drove, excited to finally get to see dolphins up close!

We were just in time for the final training session and tour of the research center. It turns out they don’t just have rescued and rehabilitated dolphins but also sea lions and birds. The Dolphin Research Center is their permanent home since they are not fit to be released back into the wild.

After purchasing our tickets we followed the sounds of a full-on session. Blares of training whistles, splashes, and cheering straight ahead. We scurried across the gravel towards the deck where a few groups of visitors were already gathered under the thatched pavilion. Carlos and I stood on the edge of the concrete for an up-close view of the prancing dolphins.

Several trainers stationed along the dock directed the dolphins to do their well-learned tricks. They dashed through the water racing from one trainer to the next. None are forced and only participate when they’re in the mood for a training session. The key part of their race was to tap their bottlenose to a white target pole sticking out from the deck to get their treat. There was one dolphin in particular, Santini, who was the STAR of the show. She’d tap the pole over and over again and whistle until she was sure the trainer saw her. Then she’d flip upside down as if doing a headstand and wag her tail. The more we cheered in excitement the more they’d show off. Their acrobatic flips and leaps intensified into very impressive spins in the air.

The striking view as the dolphins leaped up in unison was so picturesque I could have printed it on a greeting card. The blue-green sea ruffled out in a hypnotic pattern far out into the horizon, part of it fenced in a large semicircle that sections in the dolphin oasis. A wooden deck forms a pathway towards the middle, lined with thatched gazebos and compact bushes with delicate lime-green leaves. To think we were just driving down an ordinary neighborhood five minutes ago. I wouldn’t have imagined such a scenic seawater lagoon hiding out behind a parking lot, but you never know what’s around the corner.

Carlos and I bought an ice cream bar and peered into their bird aviary while we waited for the next presentation. Soon after, we strolled down their center deck where the few remaining visitors were able to ask the researchers questions about their aquatic companions. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed dolphins swirling beside the deck extending ripples of water outwards. I was delightfully sidetracked as a nursery pod gracefully bobbed in and out of the water and disappeared back under.

The visitor’s curious questions died down and the dolphins were no longer in view. It was unfortunately time to leave.
While walking along the lagoon, we spotted two dolphin figures underneath the water’s surface. My jaw dropped and footsteps quickened as I hurried for a closer look. I squealed and crouched down hoping they wouldn’t glide away. Their presence was attentive and peaceful as they tilted to the side like a puppy that wanted their belly rubbed. They leisurely floated, eyes locked on me the entire time as I waved, “awed,” and giggled. Although there was no verbal exchange between us, the curiosity felt mutual. We stared each other down for a few good minutes! They’re definitely used to the attention, I thought to myself since they stayed by as we snapped a few pictures with them.

We left delighted they gave us a fraction of their time to stop and stare. It isn’t just that they are adorable and always appear to don a spirited grin. The obvious effort they exude to bond and learn from humans incites such joyous moments After all, dolphins are sentient, social, and have individual personalities. Through their uniqueness, they lend us a chance to experience their enchantment personally. This day proved that there is magic to be discovered in the dullest of places. You just have to be a little curious!